
The founder of Capricorn has extensive experience in transshipment operation & designing innovative solutions, he was managing TWO of the world’s largest transshipment operations in Asia for the Brazilian Iron ore mining giant. Based on the experienced & knowledge gained, we at Capricorn provide practical, tailormade, simplified, cost-effective, reliable & SAFE logistics solution enabling to maintain the smooth continuity in the entire supply chain process with minimized downtime and overcome any challenges due to ….

  • Infrastructure safety concerns at port | jetty
  • Shallow river passage restricting the movement of deep draught vessels
  • Port congestion that may lead to prolong waiting period at anchorage

Our Solution encompasses the following for port operators | mining sponsors & companies | traders, etc

  • Tug & barge solution for inland water | river passage
  • Loading & unloading offshore transshipment solution involving simplified floating crane barge platform with and without a conveyor system
  • Ocean-going vessel converted & fitted with specialized cranes and conveyor system as to the project and client’s requirements

We have further partnered with top & reputed shipyards in Asia those specialized in building transshipment assets and equipment makers in Europe.

We can be reached at